Sunday, July 14, 2013

Starting line...

Wow where to start...  I guess being alone lately has really got me thinking.  I haven't thought much of what I want or where I want to go with life but I guess these past few months have kind of got me thinking about that.

With the kids gone for the summer and me well just sulking I guess I realized that I have to start thinking about me.  I have always wanted to try a few things and do some crazy off the wall things I guess now is the time. There really is no better time to learn new things and try new things right?

With this in mind my first goal is to finish something a friend started. I told her I would do it and it is one goal that I know I may struggle but I know I can complete.  So starting on Aug 1 I will start my running again more intense and more regular.  The goal I have agreed to is 300 miles in 100 days.  Yep you read that right 300 miles!!!  It can be done as long as I keep my heart into it and don't give up on myself. 

Second thing I really want to do is learn to horse back and learn how to care about horses.  I have told my husband several times that when we retire and move on our land I will have a barn for the dogs and my horses.  He has laughed at me several times and said that quads don't count as horses but they do have some horse power. NOPE I want a couple of horses.  Would love to get up in the morning and ride on our land and enjoy my time focusing on something other than life and its stressors.

I guess the last thing I am attempting is keeping up with writing my thoughts down and sharing little more. I plan on keeping the family blog up to date a little more and well keeping my own thoughts out here to share wont be so bad.

I believe life is too short not to share ones struggles, joys, ups and downs. I enjoy life too much not to share what has been given to me. As the saying goes Live life to the fullest you never know what tomorrow will bring.

Love and God Bless,

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