Monday, July 29, 2013


You would think by now I would know NOT to drink any type of coffee or tea after 1400.  Yep had a Starbucks and now the little thing in my head is spinning and thoughts are just bouncing off the sides. So if you chose to read the next few ramblings please be advise none of it is in any context to anything particular just ramblings and my thoughts of society in MY OWN OPINION...

So browsing through some social pages today I came across some things that make you really want to slap some people.  First why get a pet if you don't have the money to take care of it and want to Rehome it after a few months.. Really??  Would you do that to a child cause you can budget and realize you don't have money??  Yes I am being a bitch probably and Yes I don't know the entire situation but come on everyone has issues.. Hell even myself currently with these damn furloughs.. I am losing 20% of my pay but guess what.... I am not selling my dog or kids..  Nope I have a budget and I know how to live with in my means. Yes that means I have to not have my special days of massages, nails, and even cut back on my shopping trips but I know my limits and my family can continue to live the life style we have been accustom to.  So for those that cant be happy with what you got take some advice Quit trying to stay up with the Jones's cause they honestly don't give a crap what you do...

On another note was listening to the news and not sure why I have subjected myself to those ramblings. What they produce just makes me again want to slap stupid people.  I really need to not have coffee after a certain time and I really need to find something more constructive when I am trying to get myself to bed at a decent hour than watch the news.  I think the frustration and the stupidity makes me more awake than tired. 

So I read online that parents in Cali left their 4month old out in the hot car over night and didn't realize that the 4month old was missing until 1330 the next day..   REALLY???  Hell I realize my 13 yr old is missing after a few hours. With no one telling me they are hungry or complaining cause he cant watch TV or play his computer.. A 4month old would be worse. They eat and stink and cry more often than a 13yr old. So how do you not notice them missing until half the next day.  Okay so they had 3 other kids under the age of 3 but still you would think the one you had to carry around all the time and was the smallest would be the one crying and what did you think when you put the other 3 to bed, that the 4month old put themselves to bed??  Some people really need to be screened prior to having kids let alone getting married or being left alone to raise them damn selves...

Well I think that is enough of my rambling tonight, the sleepy time tea actually worked and my eyes are getting a little heavy.  Now if it will continue when I actually lay my head down I will buy stock in the stuff.  

As always lots of love and God Bless...

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